No company can match StemCyte's LifeSaver Guarantee!
With StemCyte's Hybrid model you will naturally
receive support and options at NO additional cost
If for any reason your newborn's cord blood unit fails to engraft, StemCyte's LifeSaver Guarantee will:
Find a replacement at no cost to parents from StemCyte's public inventory.
Refund All Fees.
Provide parents with an additional $50k.
Cord Blood & Tissue Banking
Cord Blood & Tissue Banking
Cord Blood & Tissue Banking
Annual Cord Blood Plans
FDA Approved Treatments
Cord Blood Stem Cells
FDA Approved Treatments
Cord Blood Stem Cells
Cord Blood Cord blood contains a rich source of various cells including hematopoietic stem cells which form blood cells. Today, there are 80 diseases that can be treated with cord blood stem cells. Also, there are more than 100 active cord blood stem cell clinical trials worldwide investigating the treatment of various diseases like autism.
An Overview
StemCyte's Top Advantages
There are many important things to consider before choosing a company to preserve your newborn's cord blood and cord tissue. As pioneers in regenerative medicine, StemCyte knows what truly matters at every step of banking. We hope this list of our top advantages will give you the confidence in our science, products, and the people who will care for your family's future health and well-being.
It Has Just Begun
Baby Fun!
Powerful Baby Girl Names
French origin meaning angel.
Latin origin Olive and was popularized by Shakespeare when it was used in the countess in Twelfth Night.
German english origin meaning fairy maiden
Greek in origin feminine form of Adonis meaning she who fights dragons.
From Greek mythology Io was a princess loved by Zeus. Also the name of a moon of Jupiter.
Strong Baby Boy Names
Lain origin meaning the greatest
English origin meaning a blessing and a gift.
English and Scandinavian origin meaning tempest.
Greek in origin feminine form of Adonis meaning she who fights dragons.
From Greek mythology Io was a princess loved by Zeus. Also the name of a moon of Jupiter.